Enhancing Mercer County's Health: GMPHP Priorities

The Greater Mercer Public Health Partnership (GMPHP) is a collaboration of 3 hospitals, 8 health departments, the Mercer County Human Services, and 70 not-for-profit organizations whose mission is to measurably improve the health of residents of the Greater Mercer County community.

The GMPHP completed and updated the Community Health Assessment (CHA) and Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) in 2024 for the greater Mercer County area. With the support of the Community Advisory Board, these plans were unveiled in November 2024.

View the Community Health Assessment (CHA) on the home page and the four Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) work group strategies within the Health Priority drop-down tab.

A doctor is examining a young girl 's heart.


In 2012, the Affordable Care Act required hospitals to do a community health assessment every three years, and the local health departments were required to assess every four years. The healthcare facilities decided it was more advantageous to band together, perform a joint assessment, and then collaborate with all the nonprofits to develop a comprehensive public health action plan. Collaboration between different hospital systems and departments is unique in New Jersey and the country. With the help of our partners, the GMPHP has grown into a strong coalition advocating and addressing the needs and gaps of service in Mercer County.

Our assessment reviews statistics from Federal and State data banks and county and municipal reports. Stakeholder and community focus groups are conducted, and their oral contributions are collected and analyzed. Every few years, a written or online survey may be performed to gather information that might be helpful for the report. The Community Health Assessment has been done every three years since 2012. The current report can be found on the home page.


The GMPHP is governed by a core group of founding members representing Capital Health Medical Center, Lawrence Rehabilitation Center, Robert Wood Johnson Hospital Hamilton, Mercer County Human Services, Mercer County Health Officers Association, and five community members.


  • President: Diane Grillo, February 2026
  • President-Elect: Jeremye Cohen, February 2026
  • Past-President: Stephen Papenberg, February 2026
  • Treasurer: Kam Maghazehe February 2026
  • Secretary: Jill Swanson February 2026
A group of people sitting at a table in front of a window.
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Core Members:

Capital Health Medical Center: Jeremye Cohen

Robert Wood Johnson Hamilton: Diane Grillo

Lawrence Rehabilitation Center: Thomas Boyle

Mercer County Health Officers Association: Jeffrey Grosser

Mercer County Human Services: Ann Dorocki

Health Officers:

East Windsor: Glenda Grant Roberts

Ewing: Sharon McNellis-Kissel

Hamilton: Chris Hellwig

Hopewell (serving Hopewell and Pennington Boroughs): Dawn Marling

Lawrence: Keith Levine

Princeton: Jeff Grosser

Trenton: Yvette Graffie-Cooper

West Windsor (serving Hightstown and Robbinsville): Jill Swanson

Community Members:

Thomas Edison State University: Angela Chatman – February 2026

Community: Carol Chamberlain – February 2025

Pennington Board of Health: Steve Papenberg - February 2024

Trenton Health Team: Margaret Cowell - February 2026

Community – David Bosted – February 2025